Monday 10 March 2008

Todays the Day

Been up and about since just before 3am, I cant sleep. I have this sick feeling in my stomach.

I have to be on the ward at 2pm, so will be leaving home at 1.15.

Just before going to bed last night, a friend sent me a snippet from an american website.

Risk Factors The most well known cause is exposure to radiation, either in the environment or as treatment for a cancer of the head and neck area. Exposure to sawdust and chemicals used in the leather industry, pesticides, and industrial solvents may increase the risk of a type of salivary gland cancer that occurs in the nose and sinuses.
Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma is the most common malignancy in the parotid gland. It can be low grade, which is slow growing, and relatively less aggressive, which makes it easily treatable through a complete surgical excision

This has got me thinking.....
Should I attempt to claim compensation from the NHS?
My DCIS was definitely caused from the radiotherapy I was given in 1981. It also looks like this in my mouth may also stem from that too?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Not sure you can claim compensation for receiving a treatment that was needed to treat another condition. What would have happened if you hadn't have had the radiotherapy? Did they tell you all the risks before you had it?