Thursday, 20 March 2008


Well the morphine knocks the pain out for about 3 hours, and then it starts creeping back in.

I am beginning to wonder whether the nerve of a tooth has been aggravated, or maybe I have an abscess under my tooth. The pain is like when you get a 'brain freeze' after eating icecream, except it goes from my ear across my sinus to my nose, and its pretty constant.

Downside is, I couldnt let a dentist have a proper look, as I still can not open my mouth very wide.

I wonder what my consultant would say if he knew I was on 4 hourly morphine?

I just wish the pain would go away and stay away!

I wish I could eat a proper meal! - fed up of living on soup and yogurt

Its my birthday next week, and the chance of being able to go out for a nice meal, or at least have a drink are looking more and more unlikely

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