Friday, 25 April 2008

New Direction

Unknown to me, they only take people on if they have been referred, by GP or psychiatrist. So I have a form to take to my counsellor on Tuesday for her to complete. Easy as that.

Today I filled in an assessment form, explaining my problems and my interests. Explained what I hope to gain out of the sessions.

Within about half an hour of being there, the place was really busy, people coming and going, I must have said hello to 30 different people during my 2 and half hours there. Lots of people with lots of different problems.

It is possible to have lunch there, and next time I am there - next Friday, I may just do that. It cost £2.50, for a proper cooked dinner.

But they all seemed a friendly lot and made me feel very welcome

1 comment:

frobbi said...