Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Another Step Closer

Chrissy came today. We spoke briefly, on how I was feeling emotionally and physically. She will ring me Thursday to see how my hospital appointment went. She has made me an appointment to see my GP for Friday morning, regarding the 'going out issue'. She was prepared to come with me, but luckily DH is on holiday and will come instead. I have been told to be completely honest with my GP and not to hide how I am feeling about it, and what problems it causes me.

I have started to write down my list of questions to ask the consultant tomorrow.

1) Will my mouth ever open wider than it does now?
2) Will I need further treatment?
2a) If yes, what treatment and how long will this last
3) What is the likelihood of recurrence?
4) How much follow up will I have?

Chrissy has only ever had 3 dealings with other patients who have been down the same road as me. Two of which remained clear, one who had recurrences.

Not looking forward to tomorrow - but at least DH will be by my side

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