Tuesday, 26 February 2008

I dont believe it

DH's work colleague came with me to the hospital. I'm so glad that she came with me now.

Went in about 45 mins late, and saw another doctor, who introduced himself, as Mr Graham Merrick who would be taking over my care. So straight away, I knew it wasn't finished with.
I've looked him up on the internet, and he seems very qualified, along with plastic surgery too.

I have Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of the salivary gland

Mr Merrick explained that the tumour which was removed measured about 1cm in diameter, but felt that a larger area needed to be removed and examined.

I asked him if he felt it was connected with my Breast Cancer, to which he said no. But he couldn't rule out any connection with my Hodgkins Disease.

He went through the plans to remove a 50p size area of tissue, and to use other parts of my inner mouth to fill the hole.

Once that is examined, he will then make a decision what happens next. I have been allocated a MaxilloFacial Cancer Nurse - Jo somebody - she will be ring me over the next few days.

I then had to go to Pre-op Assessment and have a ECG, weight etc. Their attempt at taking bloods (8 bottles, 23 mls needed) were unsuccessful. I was told to go to my GP this afternoon to get him to do that.

Home to DH, who looks terrible, completely white washed!

Then down to my GP for bloods, he said it was too late in the day, and will do it tomorrow morning. Asked about my constant headache, which he feels is tension.

Feeling very numb, not had a cry as yet, just completely gob smacked to be honest!

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