Saturday, 30 August 2008

I had three different sets of photographers come into the opticians yesterday, from different newspapers and they all had me posing in my bunny outfit. I have persuaded my boss to join in with me, and I am able to borrow another bunny suit for her too.

I was VERY brave yesterday. Although I attend my NHS dentist regularly, I dont feel they are doing their best. It was me who had to point out about the lump in my mouth and insist that I was referred.I also need a filling, and its only recently that I can open my mouth to the full extent, to allow this to be done. So I registered with a private dentist. I have an appointment next Friday afternoon. I am also going to ask if they can do something with my two front teeth. I chipped them at the age of 16, and thats the way they have stayed. I know it will be expensive, but perhaps spread over a length of time will be more manageable.
By the way - I dont like dentists at all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, I havent actually visited your site before but i would just like to say well done and keep up the good work!

Your an inspiration to us all!