Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Respiratory Clinic Appointment

Saw Mr Pepperell today for the first time. He was very interested in my medical history (as are most people in the medical profession). He was quite astounded at the thickness of my file - over 3" thick.

He looked at my CT scan results and yes he could also see mosiac patterns, some white, some black and some just grey matter.
The black areas he thinks are areas that either have air trapped, or could also be where the blood vessels have narrowed.
If I had had chemotherapy, he would have expected there to be damage. But all in all he is not certain what it is.

As I am now painfree, and not at all breathless, he would prefer to leave well alone. He could offer me further xrays and scans to see if it has gone, but that would only open me up to further radiation damage.

Radiation can shrink vessels in the lungs, which he seems to think this may be the problem.

He is having a meeting with radiologists over the next few days, and I will be discussed to see, if they have any bright ideas on what this could be. I will hear the outcome of this meeting by letter.

He did say that he didnt really want to go down the lung biopsy route, at this stage.

Anyway it has been left that I have an open appointment, and if I ever feel poorly like that again, I must ring his secretary and she will get me an appointment with him, very quickly.

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