Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Ups and Downs

Life at home, has become rather stressed.

My son has split with his girlfriend, leaving a 9month old boy between them. Obviously my son and both myself and my hubby still want to have access to him. Which at the moment is not very forth coming.

My hubbys employer has changed, and we are still awaiting wages due to him since July.

My health is ok - I hope
I had my flu jab on Monday, and I have my check up at the hospital next week. I have noticed that recently, every time I move my tongue over the right hand side of my mouth, I get a 'pins and needles' feeling all across the lower part of my jaw. I am assuming that is the nerve doing that. I will ask my consultant on Wednesday.

I have decided that I am too overweight. I must do something to try and reduce it. I love my food and have a very sweet tooth. I do walk to work every day, but that is about all the exercise I manage. Course, having no boobs makes my belly look even bigger than it really is ....

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